DMD is an inherited disorder, which usually affects boys (it is very rare in girls).


Boys with DMD, like Vincent, do not make the dystrophin protein in their muscles. Due to this missing protein, muscle weakness increases over time. Eventually, complications occur in the heart and lungs. Unfortunately, there is no cure for DMD. At present, there are no treatments available in Europe for Vincent's specific type of DMD as he is missing exons 45-50

Signs of weakness start when the boys are between 3 and 5 years of age (sometimes earlier). At first, the weakness is seen mostly in the legs and hips. The children may:


  • Fall frequently
  • Have trouble running as fast as their peers
  • Have trouble climbing stairs
  • Have trouble getting up from a chair
  • Develop big calves
  • Frequently walk on their toes and lean backwards to keep their balance


Eventually this weakness also makes walking more difficult and a wheelchair is needed. Gradually, all the muscles become very weak, including the muscles used for breathing and the heart.


There is a drug available in the US that will be of benefit to Vincent at an annual cost of €441,000 plus shipping costs every 13 weeks. Staff at Temple Street Children’s Hospital has agreed to administer the medication.  The family are working hard to get this medication for Vincent and your support is greatly appreciated.

E-mail: info@victory4vincent.com

Vincent Lyons - His fight against Muscular Dystrophy Duchenne

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